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Prof. Marina Shargorodsky

Endocrinology, hormone abnormalities and hormone replacement therapies in women and men, diagnosis and treatment of obesity, osteoporosis, and diabetes.

Senior Endocrinologist, I have run the Obesity Clinic at Wolfson Medical Center for decades and I am an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Medicine at Tel Aviv University with years of experience in the following areas:

Obesity, hormonal therapy, treatment of metabolic bone diseases, treatment of hyperlipidemia, and diabetes. In recent years I have completed training at the Endocrine Institute at UCLA, California which is the world's leading institute in the field of neuroendocrine tumors, hormonal disorders, and various hormonal therapies. I am a big believer in preventative medicine in all areas of medicine and especially in the hormonal and metabolic disorders that have characterized the last decade.



Innovative treatments for hyperlipidemia and prevention of cardiovascular disease.

Metabolic Bone Diseases

Treatment of metabolic bone diseases including osteoporosis and advanced treatments to maintain bone strength and prevent fractures.

Hormonal disorders and their balance

Years of experience in disorders related to a significant decrease in testosterone, advanced training at the center of the world of hormonal therapies for men at UCLA, and my research work at Tel Aviv University.


Hormonal clarification of the causes of obesity and customized weight loss treatment, a combination of conventional medicine and unconventional ways in the war not only on weight loss but also on weight maintenance and prevention of metabolic damage.

Thyroid Gland

Overactive and underactive thyroid gland, autoimmune diseases, and thyroid tumors.

NeuroEndocrine Tumors

Long-term diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up.


Management of type 2 diabetes and preventing diabetes complications.



Tel: 054-5542345

Herzliya medical center,

8 Hahoshlim St. Herzliya

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